
A Festive Collaboration with Fenetic Wellbeing

I've found Christmas shopping anxiety provoking at the best of times, but since starting to struggle with my mobility and pain it's become a whole different story. I'm sure it's no secret, I LOVE shopping. One of my yearly highlights is an all-day November shopping trip with my Mum, cousin and Auntie. But it's fair… Continue reading A Festive Collaboration with Fenetic Wellbeing


Bonnie Springtime – Hearts and Found

  It had been nearly a year since Nick (MusoPhoto) and I had shot together, but we finally got it sorted. For the past few years I've been absolutely desperate to shoot in one of the beautiful Rapeseed fields that sweep across the Buckinghamshire countryside. Unfortunately, I've been too disorganised for the previous years to… Continue reading Bonnie Springtime – Hearts and Found

Fashion Picks · Product Reviews

Spring Limbo – Weekend Doll collaboration

Oh hey there! Welcome to that weird seasonal limbo between Winter and Spring! Is it warm, is it cold, is it raining? Who really knows!! I always find it a little hard to judge what to wear in these months, so particularly appreciate clothes that can easily see me through whatever the British weather has… Continue reading Spring Limbo – Weekend Doll collaboration